Thursday, March 21, 2013

Kaiser is the Future of Health Care?

Interesting article on Kaiser's efforts to control the costs of health care. It has spent $30B the past 10 yrs. on its electronic medical records capability. It employs all of its doctors and tracks each one for employing best treatment practices. Yet even in places such as California where it controls all forms of delivery its cost savings is only 10%.

Not For Profits Best For Profit Health Plans in Customer Satisfaction

No particularly reason given for not for profits doing better here. Overall though health plans have very low customer satisfaction scores.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Great Results When Hospitals Share Best Practices

Former CMS head Donald Berwick has good news to report on a national initiative to improve hospital performance. Most eye popping number--over 92,000 lives saved as a result of reduced infections and better care. Amazing.  Plus these hospitals provided this better care at lower costs.